Time schedule for next CXF 3.2 release?
Thomas Papke
2018-10-05 13:31:03 UTC
Hello all,

Are there any plans / time schedule when CXF 3.2.7 will be released? I am looking for receiving the fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-7857 .

Beside the question for the next CXF release, I have created an issue and provided an pull request with a fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-7864 It would be great if this fix can be reviewed and also integrated into the next 3.2 release.

Thank you,
Kind regards,

InterComponentWare AG:
Vorst?nde: Dr. Ralf Brandner, Hans Gerwing, Nils Effertz
Aufsichtsratsvors.: Prof. Dr. Christof Hettich
Unternehmenssitz: 69190 Walldorf, Altrottstra?e 31
AG Mannheim HRB 351761 / USt.-IdNr.: DE 198388516
Colm O hEigeartaigh
2018-10-05 14:01:18 UTC
Tentatively we might call a vote on the 15th/16th of October, so in 1.5
weeks time or so. I'll take a look at the PR.

Post by Thomas Papke
Hello all,
Are there any plans / time schedule when CXF 3.2.7 will be released? I am
looking for receiving the fix for
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-7857 .
Beside the question for the next CXF release, I have created an issue and
provided an pull request with a fix for
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-7864 It would be great if this
fix can be reviewed and also integrated into the next 3.2 release.
Thank you,
Kind regards,
Vorst?nde: Dr. Ralf Brandner, Hans Gerwing, Nils Effertz
Aufsichtsratsvors.: Prof. Dr. Christof Hettich
Unternehmenssitz: 69190 Walldorf, Altrottstra?e 31
AG Mannheim HRB 351761 / USt.-IdNr.: DE 198388516
Colm O hEigeartaigh

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