Is the signature validator called twice when using double signature with a EndorsingSupportingToken?
2018-11-14 09:44:11 UTC

and thanks for reading.

When using a policy that has both the main signature and the second
signature through EnorsingSupportingToken, is the
ws-security.signature.validator called twice?

The question comes after Colm's very useful example project cxf-x509-demo
which illustrates the use of ws-security.signature.validator to register a
custom signature validator (that also creates a Subject from the
certificate..., but that's another thing.) In Colm's example there's just
the EnorsingSupportingToken and its signature, no main signature.

But i was wondering what happens if we have a policy that also generates a
main signature, will the validator be called twice? How can we distinguish
between the 2 calls to, for example, create the Subject only from the
Endorsing certificate and not from the main certificate?


Sent from: http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/cxf-user-f547216.html
Colm O hEigeartaigh
2018-11-14 14:34:25 UTC
The validator will be called each time there is a signature, so yes it will
be called twice.
If we have two signatures with two different certificates, then the Subject
will be created from the first Signature in the header.

Post by vlad.balan
and thanks for reading.
When using a policy that has both the main signature and the second
signature through EnorsingSupportingToken, is the
ws-security.signature.validator called twice?
The question comes after Colm's very useful example project cxf-x509-demo
which illustrates the use of ws-security.signature.validator to register a
custom signature validator (that also creates a Subject from the
certificate..., but that's another thing.) In Colm's example there's just
the EnorsingSupportingToken and its signature, no main signature.
But i was wondering what happens if we have a policy that also generates a
main signature, will the validator be called twice? How can we distinguish
between the 2 calls to, for example, create the Subject only from the
Endorsing certificate and not from the main certificate?
Sent from: http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/cxf-user-f547216.html
Colm O hEigeartaigh

Talend Community Coder